Colonoscopy Procedure
What Is Colonoscopy
in Singapore?
A colonoscopy procedure is the only definitive way to prevent colorectal cancer – the #1 cancer in Singapore. This test allows the doctor to visualise the inside of the colon and rectum from outside the body using a colonoscope, which projects images onto a viewing monitor in real time to identify any abnormalities, in particular polyps.
Painless Under Sedation
Painless Under Sedation
Quick Procedure
Quick Procedure
Real-Time Visualisation
Real-Time Visualisation
Immediate Removal of Polyps Found
Immediate Removal of Polyps Found
How Does
Colonoscopy Work?

Surgeons perform colonoscopy by using a specialised instrument called a colonoscope, which is a long, thin, and flexible tube. This instrument has a camera attached to the tip of the tube and is inserted through the anus and into the rectum so that the healthcare provider will have a clear view of the colon.

If polyps are present, the surgeon will perform necessary colonoscopy treatment in Singapore and remove these polyps to prevent them from potentially turning malignant (cancerous). Tissue samples may also be taken to test for the presence of cancerous cells as well.

Who Should
Get a Colonoscopy?
There are at least 3 groups of people who should go for colonoscopy:
  • People who have any of the symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer
    • Bleeding
    • Increasing constipation
    • Diarrhoea
    • Decrease in stool calibre
    • Abdominal distension
  • People who have a family history of colorectal cancer
  • People who have a personal history of polyps
  • People who are 50 years old and above
What to Expect
During Colonoscopy Procedure
There is minimal preparation for colonoscopy procedure. Patient will be given small amount of laxative to clear the large intestine. Colonoscopy can be performed about 4 hours after taking the laxative. During this period of preparation, the patient can continue to take small amount of clear liquid but no food is allowed.
What to Expect
During Colonoscopy Procedure
  • Patients have to check into the Endoscopy Centre 30 minutes before the colonoscopy
  • An injection of sedatives will be given just before the start of the colonoscopy
During the Procedure
  • Patient will be in deep sleep before starting the colonoscopy
  • The colonoscopy will take about 10 to 15 minutes
  • Any polyps found during the colonoscopy will be removed immediately
During the Procedure
  • Patient will be fully awake about 15 to 30 minutes after the colonoscopy
  • Patients will be discharged from the Endoscopy Centre thereafter
  • The colorectal surgeon will explain about the result of the colonoscopy in the same day
Is a Colonoscopy Painful?
A colonoscopy begins by first administering anaesthesia to the patient. This ensures that he or she is sedated during the whole procedure and thus would feel no pain or discomfort. Most patients wake up without having any memory of the colonoscopy taking place.
What are the Risks of Colonoscopy Treatment?
Like any medical procedure, a colonoscopy comes with risks, but these occur very rarely when in the hands of an experienced surgeon and in a proper medical facility. Some of these risks are:
  • Allergic response to the sedative used during the procedure
  • Perforation or tear in the rectum or colon
How Should I Prepare for a Colonoscopy Procedure?
Patients who will undergo a colonoscopy procedure in Singapore are generally advised to practise the following:
  • Fasting for around six hours before the colonoscopy procedure
  • Following a strict (generally bland, easy to digest) diet in the few days leading up to the procedure
  • Stopping or adjusting certain medications as advised by their doctor
  • Informing their doctor about any medication or medical history they may have
  • Taking laxatives shortly before the colonoscopy (in order to empty the colon), as advised by their doctor
  • Arrange for transportation home
What Happens after the Colonoscopy Procedure?
Once the procedure is done, the patient will rest and be monitored in a recovery room. Once cleared for discharge, the patient should be accompanied by a family member or a friend home. He or she is not allowed to drive as the anaesthesia will not have completely worn off at the time. Bloating and abdominal discomfort after a colonoscopy are normal and should go away within 24 hours. Finally, the doctor will inform the patient regarding an appointment date for discussing the results and findings, as well as any necessary follow up treatment.
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