Haemorrhoids are a common condition in Singapore, affecting approximately one in three individuals. Milder cases can sometimes resolve on their own or be treated through conservative means like over-the-counter creams, medications, or lifestyle changes. However, severe or recurring cases of haemorrhoids may require advanced procedures to find lasting relief from this condition, including haemorrhoid banding and haemorrhoidectomy.

What Is

A haemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that addresses large external and internal haemorrhoids that have prolapsed or cause severe pain problems. This procedure involves excising the haemorrhoidal tissue using either a scalpel or laser and sealing the blood vessels. Depending on its location and length, the wound may be closed with dissolvable sutures (closed haemorrhoidectomy) or be left open (open haemorrhoidectomy).

When Is
Haemorrhoidectomy Recommended?

Haemorrhoidectomy is typically the last resort when conservative approaches like lifestyle changes, medications, and local treatments such as rubber band ligation fail to alleviate symptoms. It is a safe and effective treatment option for Grade III and IV haemorrhoid cases. However, as with other traditional surgeries, haemorrhoidectomy has a low risk of complications such as excessive bleeding or blood clots, infection, urinary retention, and narrowing of the anal canal due to scar tissue (stricture).

Key Differences Between
Haemorrhoid Banding and Haemorrhoidectomy

Haemorrhoid banding and haemorrhoidectomy differ in terms of the following:

  • Invasiveness: Haemorrhoid banding is less invasive and does not require anaesthesia.
  • Recovery Time: Banding allows for a quicker return to normal activities and wound healing takes about one to two weeks. Conversely, haemorrhoidectomy requires two to four weeks for recovery, often accompanied by some initial discomfort and pain.
  • Effectiveness: Doctors typically perform haemorrhoid banding for grade I-II haemorrhoids, while haemorrhoidectomy is generally reserved for more advanced cases, such as grade III-IV haemorrhoids.
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